
Huge Congratulations to Class of 2022

18th August 2022

Congratulations to all our wonderful students on their fantastic achievements today, we are so, so proud of you.  Emma Young, Principal says, "As we are all only too aware, this cohort of students have had the most disruption to their education since the Second World War, but they coped so admirably with what they have had to navigate.  Their results are even more stellar given this context, particularly as this is the first time these students have written public examinations. 

As a College we pride ourselves on our strong sense of community and this is a day for the entire College Community to celebrate what are some of our best results ever.  Our amazing, dedicated teachers have done a brilliant job, as ever, in guiding, supporting and helping our students during the past two difficult years.  So have our fabulous Support Staff and Trustees who work tirelessly behind the scenes and are crucial to the success of the College.  I also think it is important to acknowledge and thank families/carers for their support too.  

The spirit of determination and resilience has been very evident in the class of 2022, which will stand them in very good stead for their futures.  As I always say on Results Day, results never ultimately define you, individual talents, values and skills are far more important.  

We will miss this very special class of 2022 but it is definitely time to now look forward and focus on their progression to their next step, whether that be Higher Education, an Apprenticeship, Employment or a Gap Year. I wish them all the very best for the future."

The College is providing a Post Results Service for its students should any student need advice or guidance.   Further details have been e-mailed to students and is also available on our website.

Well done again to our 2022 九色视频 cohort.

A Level Pass Rate: 99.7%
A*-A Rate: 40.7%
A*-B Rate: 70.1%
A*-C Rate: 88.6%
84% of our students have met their first or insurance choice for University
BTEC Extended Diploma Pass Rate 100% Distinction*- Merit: 100%
BTEC Diploma (2 A Level Equivalent) Pass Rate 100% Distinction*- Merit 95.6%
BTEC Extended Certificate (1 A Level Equivalent) Pass Rate 100% Distinction*- Merit 91.6%


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